My Followers and friends~!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Pixelated Rainbow world With ice cream and 1-ups

I re-made Joy into pixels! ^ u ^ I'm sorry if my last post was to harsh, Another one of my good friends quit pico because of bullying . I'm really sick of it and it's hard to take it will always be there, some smuck who thinks he's bigger than everyone else . It sickens me to my stomache. Any way on to happier thoughts , I want to start posting on my first DA again it's got quite old and dusty with no latest art . Anyway I wanna show a pic of a portion of this room IT'S TRUELY ADORABLE <3
Bunny Tree House!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tips: How to avoid becoming "pico scorge"

"Note: I'll never target anyone, thats a horrible thing to do.Just understand there are alot of people who can't cope on the internet and act mature and there are people like me who can't really stand it: I'm Not a snobby "richie" in fact I frown on people who are completely dreadful yet praised for having some ag related items like a real contributor to the site's wellness, Still on the internet you can have a heart of gold but treated like dirt for not having enough crap, I've been through that." I've been getting extremely pissed lately on pico, Not only are there sbrs everywhere but more uncreative trolls on the internet. Ha Ayame trolls are a general populative behavior, you can't genocide it! Yeah well I can reduce it one pico at a time. Let me run this down; there are many annoying uncreative cliches in the pico world but here are the most popular and most negative: Top three's! 3# Wannabee's! Wanabees or kinda newbies are those people who are in it for popularity and so called "Famous" Rank they express it by A. Stating their room as the best in a catagory (ex: Cutest adoption, again i'm not targetting anyone) B.) Model themselves after a mainstream celeb (ex: Snookie, Lady Gaga, Katy perry) C.) Claim to be in an exclusive pico family or group (ex: Fake etoiles, I know the etoiles publicly post their REAL members on their blog) D.) Make a blog (oh ho ho not my objective) with uncreative names and just pictures of themselves on pico(my blog has more to it thankfully)-----------------------------------------------------------2# Bwabies! these picos are EXTREMELY Aggrivating. They are posibly all underaged ranging from 7-12 in age groups, basically they are baby wannabees that make their swarm at adoption centers and cuss an extreme amount when they are rejection the most annoying things they do is A.) Twalk Lwike Thwis which is extremely hard to understand and most of it can't be pronounced in human tounge B.) they prey after the richest person in order to Somehow get AG or to be famous which is highly Imposible. C.) they go insane when they are rejected and start cussing and spamming and flipping shit(which is very improbrable for real babies) and they break modern knowledge doing what they think infants do------------------------------------------------And 1# of course SBRS, They are the rude, copycats, and source of uncreativity in what they call "Pico Swag" Lots of Nice people are confused for this group which makes me sad, I'm not saying everyone with "dandy Cop Glasses" is a Sbrs, They have a more linguring appaul to them. for Example: A.) they all look the same, they basically think this is sexy on pico, much like bwabies they think this is what you need to look like to be again their own version of "Famous" B.)Their Events are somewhat demanding and disgusting, Alot of SBRSes Make Underaged Sex rooms which opens up more self consuiousness of the internet which is terrible because if you think of it, Their ARE kids who ignore the "You must be atleast 13 to play Pico" Yet mostly sbrs still do that, I know not only sbrs open sex rooms but the majority is leading up C.) The Drama, Sbrs LOVE drama, They Crave it. They like to be snobby and radomly pick on newbies who just started playing that same day. Weren't they like that? Weren't we all? And now that they have a FEW ag items they think they are big wigged enough to pick on others ( I love picos for who they are on the inside not their item count) and they get in a fight and try to act cool and mature to get out of the fact that they can't keep fighting in their own fight, so they walk out trying to position themselves as the better person. THAT COULD MAKE SOMEONE SICK, IT MAKES ME SICK, I HATE WHEN PEOPLE DO THAT IN REAL LIFE AND ESPECIALLY THE INTERNET,ONLINE CHATROOMS LIKE PICO SHOULD BE FOR MAKING FRIENDS HERE AND IN THE REST OF THE WORLD NOT HATE AND SELF PRIDE AND PITY, Again I'm not placing myself as "the better person" i just hate this pride, this disgusting vengefilled crap u recieve on the internet. Heck some of these people that cause this commotion need help, they might have bully issues which withdraws self intitled domminance, or a feeling of importance leading to negative attributes. Lets all try to be friends and if not, the nicest smiles you can give. Thanks for reading -Ayame

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Costume Progress

Jeez This was a tiny bit easier, Counting all the items I had in the beginning that worked perfectly, I'd say its about erm... 75% complete, the hair is a giant factor and the eye-patch i'm currently crafting on. . . . .. Oh ho ho~ . . . . Ciel PhantomHive WILL I BE~!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Great I'll Grab my Stuff!

I HATE being sick I HATE IT!! It seems almost every 5-20 minutes i have to run to the bathroom for god knows what. I even got my little brother sick which mean. . . MOVIE RENTING~! yaaaaaaay. . . . I know I'm not posting regularly every week like I should but hey, . . .' _ ' . . .. .. ... I dunno... . .I've been bust with school and skyrimand Oh! legend of zelda skyward sword! and let me degress,.... DONT HATE THIS GAME IF U NEVER PLAYED IT, Its. . .; u ; Amazing no,. . . I'm going to give it. . . AH-Mah-ZAYYYY~!! And don't go. WELL UR A NUB U DONT KNOWZ THE LEGIND OF ZELDERR I'm going to stop that with an OH HELL NUHHH i've played legend of zelda since i was born Orcarina of time is my religion (next to mario *cough cough*) I find myself unconciously humming the tunes to myself FREQUENTLY oh song of storms~ I LOVE THEE. and people keep fooping calling me malon and i just go Welll Excuuuuuuuuuuse Me Princess!
anyway, Its . . . . Almost . . . . CHRISTMAS~~~ and its going to be my first christmas staying home ever YAY A REAL CHRISTMAS Tree its gonna be coverd in tea cups and ribbons fuk yes. I'm also excited i'm going to be entered in a state wide anime competition for my school I gotta created an original anime character, So this is my character (unfinished): Joy Spectrum
so far this has taken 3 hours to color gotta make a background EH HUUUURRR.. .. .
Joy is a child's imaginary dream maker she wants to become human to teacher children arouund the world but to do that she has to have a true love's first kiss. If u are still aware i have a youtube channel i uploaded two videos and they are very lonely GIVE THEM LURVE <3 Also I'm thinking of selling a gothic loli dress of mine pm me on pico if u want more infor, GTG for now cuz I'm so hungry I could eat an Octorok

Friday, November 25, 2011

Why u so mean universe?

So sayud. . . i got enough money to get ag for the vocaloid gacha but. . . Mom's debit card broke the day before it came out ;o; WHY ALMIGHT UNIVERSE? anyway soon i'll be miku.... sooooon. . . . . So yeah i haven't been posting lately because of school and skittles and shizz and people have been riding on me for that. . . . I uploaded my two first videos on youtube (GOD DAMN FINALLY) Including a short pico funny and a long how to draw kinda crap, I paid off my second Debt~! Im officially going to raleight next spring for ANIMAZEMENT 2012 -tears of joy- I will be Ciel Phantom Hive and probually Chell from Portal franchise (with portal gun with the help of my savvy bf~!) I have to be ciel its my inner passion my dark side, -shiver- Now that im free of the debt i have 3 jobs three weeks in a row next month which will get me at about 90-120$s' more or less TO DO LIST 1: get ciel wig (i found one for 18 bucks and it looks great! i hope its not a scam) 2: buy full suit or pieces to make one (the least for a full suit i found id 70 bucks, they go all the way to 200s') 3: get purple single contact (optional, i'll be wearing the eyepatch most of the time but still i want it to look pretty real) 4: Strong face foundation to cover most of my freckles the whole thing might be 300$s' in total so i'm going to have to work my ass off, the portal cosplay however, I already have covered because my boyfriends sister was a appeture test subject for halloween though the boots are pretty much looking to be too small. Anyway doo'nt go all YOU? BE CIEL? HA U SILLY LITTLE GINGER but thats it. I'm LITTLE enough, I have DEEP blue eyes and a dainty frame, also im almost flatchested and with all the ruffles all be wearing it will be imposible to tell So hopefully i'ma gonna be this:
Hur hur. . . . So yeah back to my video heres a better view at the finished drawing: its not that good its all rushed up
Man Microsoft movie make is a BITCH! If someone becomes my hero and gets me ag i will piss out rainbows from happiness because i wont be getting the new debit card for a couple weeks. I'M SORRY MIKU ;o; she's my favorite <3 oh yeah please oh please post ideas for what i can do for my room! i need faves like a bitch

Monday, November 7, 2011


hee hee. . . 80's cartoons... Anyway i haven't posted in a while due to some problems from an accident. . . sorta
this is my beaten up swollen mug last week~! oh yay~ see my school is seperated into many big buildings and i was at the stairwell for the largest one when it was empty because i went back to get something i forgot, there was this group of really obnoxious guys throwing crap at eachother and one dodged a book and it boomeranged into. . . my eye (HEADSHOT) , I ended up falling down 2 fleets of stairs (+ 2 COMBO!) and bit the back of my tounge ( BONUS POINTS!) and ended up smashing my head on a pole (C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!!) and the guys that caused the incident? They ran like pussies and i had to call across campus with a twisted ankle and a minor concussion, Im fine now Black eye disapeared ;D too bad the camera didnt catch it ;o;
And a Shoutout to miss Princess Peachie ( aka Ruth Bain ) Im Such A GIAANT Fan of her See her blog HERE And Im making her a gift of a lipgloss tube doll, a plushie keychain, and a colored comic page! u can see them here: VVV
They're a lil crappy i tried but im running out of materials i really need a better job! one more thing is a super special hug for Bag'o'Kawaii <3 she made me really pretty fanart

Saturday, October 22, 2011


User Name: Princess Ayαme Tee-hee Turning Kawaii into pumpkins is fun~ WOO BLACK MAGIC!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Blarghhh... I need to post

The lovely Mariko <3 Yes again I luuuub the pic she made of me it almost made me cry :'D cuz people barley ever draw me instead i end end up drawing others ' u ' Also LOOK AT MY ADORABLE FRIEND
Pedophile Strawberry oh yes~ <3 Oh yeah WHEN THE MOON IS BRIGHT AND THE CHILDREN HIDE AND STAY I Twill be sally this Halloween~ And my bf will be JACK THE PUMPKIN KING <3 >:U I got so much nbc fanstuff T v T Im wishing to get a phone for christmas or a good alot of cash, Speaking of that I PAYED MY FIRST CONVENTION DEBT ~!!! ^ O ^ So next one is december 1st so gotta work! also i want to afford this for my next dress to buy
-Pisses Pants in joyful hope- Also you shall see the Power of MARIKO HAVING A PALLET!
I need a pallet too.... MORE STUFF TO SAVE FOAR >:U Any Way Ta-Ta Also... PEDO-Cure
From Your Ayame Hime xoxoxox~

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Updates and tiddly winks

Okay new banner done and it looks a little warped placed on the blog likes its too far on the left of the page . . . . . . RBRTB#RTGB anyway il do more updates see those buttons down there that ask how the post was? please use'em it helps me know what i need to do more ^o^ Okay this week's lolita fashion is Princess/hime:
Why do people keep thinking i'm asian? tee hee~ Other stuff, Did u guys ever check my minipod over there? those songs are my fave and if i have time il put in more~ Because im sadistic yet loving like that. . . . Like a pimp. Anyway the skirt im wearing in the picture i just finished making, its a petticoat so i have to wear something under or else suffer the consequences ;o; i got new little loli toys because im immature like that and il show hold on:
made a house for my lala-Loopsies in my make-up cabinet hee hee, Oh dont mistaken this isnt were i keep most my make up i have a whole drawer full of prop and costume makeup X3 also see my favorite perfumes up there X3 perfume bottles are so pretty and u want to display theme no matter what! also i got a monster high ragdoll and i could not resist, i wanted a draculara one though they were all out So i went with the next best thing: Franky Stein
Cute but i dont get why they waste thread on the eyes when they should just use real buttons, probually choking hazords? i guess also on pico all my friend are TOTALLY ADUUUUUURANLE yes Aduuuuuurr...Able
Also Visit My Room I work So so so Very hard on it The new heaven's Opera house Come visit whenever theres an event!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Scrumptious chat

19:36) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: GOES TO SLUTT (19:36) The Food Giver: LOL (19:36) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: THEY HAVE A CHILD (19:36) ericisbored: o3o" (19:36) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: LITTLE BOY REALIZE (19:36) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: SHES A MERMAID (19:36) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: THEN THEY COOK HER AND ZEE CHILD (19:37) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: THE END (19:37) Princess Ayαme: Beastility tw (19:37) Princess Ayαme: Okay (19:37) Princess Ayαme: Um... (19:37) Princess Ayαme: Pokemon (19:37) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: DEMO (19:37) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: :DD (19:37) ericisbored: LOL (19:37) dєmí-™: GO MAYROO :D (19:37) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: oh this is gonna be fun (19:37) The Food Giver: THE BISHOP IS HUNGRY (19:37) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: then eat ur di'ck (19:37) ericisbored: .-. (19:37) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: OH YEA (19:37) The Food Giver: -,- (19:37) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: OK SOO (19:37) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: IT ALL STARTED (19:38) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: WEN ERIC (19:38) The Food Giver: LOL (19:38) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: MADE BABIES (19:38) Princess Ayαme: XD (19:38) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: AND BECAME (19:38) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: LEGENDARY (19:38) The Food Giver: <. (19:38) ericisbored: Sing the theme song? *w* (19:38) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: AND THTS HOW SNORELAX (19:38) Princess Ayαme: :o (19:38) Princess Ayαme: Thankies~ (19:38) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: RULED EVERYONE (19:38) Princess Ayαme: ^o^ (19:38) dєmí-™: Lol your welcome c: (19:38) Princess Ayαme: SING THWE POKEMON THEME SONG (19:38) ericisbored: YEAH ! ♥ (19:39) ericisbored: >:o (19:39) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: OH K (19:39) ericisbored: I LUB THAT SONG ~ (19:39) Princess Ayαme: Lub it (19:39) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: -SINGS THE THEME IN THE 1ST MOVIE (19:39) ericisbored: >:3 (19:39) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: wait brb] (19:39) Princess Ayαme: NO STUPID (19:39) ericisbored: *searches on Google* (19:39) Princess Ayαme: I WANNA BE (19:39) ericisbored: LOL (19:39) Princess Ayαme: TH VERY BEST (19:39) Princess Ayαme: THAT NO ONE EVAH WAAAAAS (19:39) Princess Ayαme: TO TRAIN THEM IS MY TEST (19:39) ericisbored: You should sing it, LOL. (19:40) Princess Ayαme: TO CATCH THEM IS MY CAUSE (19:40) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: -SINGS WITH BILLY CRAWFORD- (19:40) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: -VOICE- (19:40) ericisbored: LOL (19:40) Princess Ayαme: XD (19:40) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: I WILL TRAVEL ACROSS LANDD (19:40) Princess Ayαme: SEARCHIN (19:40) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: SERCHIN (19:40) Princess Ayαme: FAR AND WIIID3E (19:40) ericisbored: LOL (19:40) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: FAR AND WIDDDAAYYYYEEE (19:40) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: OHH OHHH\ (19:40) ericisbored: LOL (19:40) Princess Ayαme: FOR POKEMON (19:40) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: THESE POKEMON DONT UNDERSTANDD (19:40) Princess Ayαme: TO UNDERSTAND (19:40) Princess Ayαme: THE POWER (19:40) ericisbored: POKEMON ! (19:40) Princess Ayαme: THATS (19:41) ericisbored: >:D (19:41) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: THE POWER THTS INSIDEEEE (19:41) Princess Ayαme: INSIDE (19:41) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: POWER INSIDEE (19:41) Princess Ayαme: POOOKEEEEEHMUUUN (19:41) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: POKEMONN (19:41) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: ITS YOU AND MEEE (19:41) Princess Ayαme: GOTTAH CATCH EM ALLLL (19:41) ericisbored: ._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._. (19:41) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: I KNOW ITS OUR DESITINYY (19:41) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: OHHH UR MY BEST FRIENDD (19:41) ericisbored: <.< (19:41) Princess Ayαme: POKEEEEHMON (19:41) ericisbored: ♥ (19:41) ericisbored: LOLOL (19:41) The Food Giver: lol (19:41) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: IN A WORLDD WE MUST DEFEENNNNEDDD (19:41) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: POKEMONN (19:41) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: ITS YOU AND MEE (19:41) ericisbored: XD (19:41) Princess Ayαme: GOTTA CATCH EM ALL (19:42) The Food Giver: lol (19:42) ericisbored: THE VERY BEST. (19:42) ericisbored: <.< (19:42) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: -TURNS INTO ILLL MAAKE A MAN OUT OF YOU (19:42) ericisbored: LOL (19:42) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: LETS GET DOWN TO BUIESNNESSS (19:42) Princess Ayαme: AS MYSTERIOUS (19:42) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: TO DEFEAT (19:42) Princess Ayαme: AS THE DARK SIDE (19:42) ericisbored: ._. (19:42) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: THE HUNNS (19:42) Princess Ayαme: OF THE MOOOOOOOOOOOOON (19:42) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: BUT IDK IF IM READYYY (19:42) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: SHUT UPP YOU NERDDD (19:42) Princess Ayαme: SHUT UP (19:42) Princess Ayαme: YOU NEEEERD~ (19:42) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: YOUR THE SADIEST OUNK (19:42) ericisbored: ITS JESSIE, JAMES (19:42) Princess Ayαme: img (19:42) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: *PUNK (19:43) ericisbored: TEAM ROCKET !1 (19:43) The Food Giver: lol (19:43) Princess Ayαme: OMG (19:43) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: I EVER MET (19:43) ericisbored: <3 (19:43) Princess Ayαme: TFSABRIGDE (19:43) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: YES (19:43) ericisbored: <.< (19:43) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: <33333333333 (19:43) ♥angel яαωя♥: hi (19:43) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: GOHAN ILL (19:43) Princess Ayαme: <3 (19:43) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: MAKE A MAN (19:43) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: OUT OF YOU (19:43) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: but im only 4 (19:43) Princess Ayαme: MARYO I LURVE YOU (19:43) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: ARGHHH (19:43) ericisbored: LOL (19:43) Princess Ayαme: DOOOOODGE (19:43) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: U BLEW UP THE MOON MR PICCOLO (19:43) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: IK (19:43) Princess Ayαme: >:U (19:43) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: TIME IS RACING FORWARDD (19:43) The Food Giver: lol (19:43) ♥angel яαωя♥: ♥ (19:43) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: UNTIL WE (19:43) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: ARRIVEE (19:43) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: SHUT THE HELL UP NAPPA (19:43) Princess Ayαme: ST FU NAPPA (19:43) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: AND YOU MIGHT (19:44) ericisbored: LOL (19:44) Princess Ayαme: AND U MIGHT (19:44) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: SURVIVVEEE (19:44) ☆TehAsianSwag☆: What Ish This (19:44) Princess Ayαme: SURRVIIIIVE (19:44) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: VEGETAA ARE WE THERE YET (19:44) Princess Ayαme: NO (19:44) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: NO NAPPA NO WERE NOT (19:44) Princess Ayαme: NAPPA WER NOOOT (19:44) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: HOW BOUT NAO (19:44) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: NO GODD (19:44) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: DAMNITTTTTTTTTTTTTT (19:44) Princess Ayαme: Maryo (19:44) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: <333 (19:44) Princess Ayαme: Listen (19:44) ericisbored: >:} (19:44) Princess Ayαme: heres the pcking order (19:44) Princess Ayαme: first theres (19:44) Princess Ayαme: you (19:45) Princess Ayαme: the dirt (19:45) The Food Giver: lol (19:45) Princess Ayαme: the worms in the dirt (19:45) ericisbored: .-. (19:45) Princess Ayαme: popo's stool (19:45) The Food Giver: lol (19:45) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: XDDDDDDDDDDDD (19:45) Princess Ayαme: kame (19:45) Princess Ayαme: and popo (19:45) Princess Ayαme: Any questions? (19:45) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: XDDDDDDD (19:45) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: IMA CALL YOU (19:45) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: LITTL GREEEN (19:45) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: OK LITTLE GREEN (19:46) Princess Ayαme: But my name is dende (19:46) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: XDDDDD (19:46) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: remmeber (19:46) Princess Ayαme: They're from earth (19:46) Princess Ayαme: LITTLE GREEN WHY? (19:46) Princess Ayαme: Because my name is dende (19:46) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: hey little greeen telll the grand elder we need the dragon balls (19:46) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: IS THT A WHITE NEAMKELIAN? (19:46) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: *ALBINO (19:46) Princess Ayαme: I need an adult (19:47) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: I THOUGHT THEY WERE INSTINCT (19:47) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: xDD (19:47) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: GARUDDD (19:47) Princess Ayαme: well if it isnt moe howard? (19:47) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: GUARDD (19:47) Princess Ayαme: how did you? (19:47) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: WHAT (19:47) Princess Ayαme: space hulu (19:47) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: i saw a birdd (19:47) Princess Ayαme: Figures (19:47) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: it was pretttyy (19:47) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: xD (19:47) Princess Ayαme: Kick its as s (19:47) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: XDDDDDDDDD (19:47) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: ive seen (19:47) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: them play (19:47) Princess Ayαme: The guards name is nel (19:47) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: l4d (19:48) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: :3 (19:48) Princess Ayαme: dbz <3 (19:48) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: i love how they play (19:48) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: halo and l4d (19:48) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: brb (19:48) Princess Ayαme: i killed 1927 zombies on that (19:48) ericisbored: 0m9 .-. (19:48) ericisbored: l33t. (19:48) ericisbored: >:} (19:48) ericisbored: o: (19:50) Princess Ayαme: So what you doing here? (19:50) Princess Ayαme: Flying around (19:50) Princess Ayαme: Flying around? (19:50) ericisbored: o: (19:50) Princess Ayαme: Flying around (19:50) Princess Ayαme: thwarting my plans? (19:51) Princess Ayαme: thwarting your plans? (19:51) ericisbored: ._. (19:51) Princess Ayαme: Are you? (19:51) Princess Ayαme: No (19:51) Princess Ayαme: good cause that would be bad (19:51) ericisbored: 150 favourites :o. (19:51) Princess Ayαme: how bad? (19:51) Princess Ayαme: I'd have to kill you (19:51) Princess Ayαme: oh (19:51) Princess Ayαme: thats bad (19:52) ☆TehAsianSwag☆: DUDE (19:52) Princess Ayαme: :o (19:52) ericisbored: 3: (19:52) ☆TehAsianSwag☆: JUst Noticed Your Here LOl (19:52) Princess Ayαme: ;o; (19:52) ☆TehAsianSwag☆: > (19:52) ericisbored: LOL hi ? (19:52) ericisbored: o: (19:52) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: vegetaaa (19:52) ericisbored: JULIET ! (19:52) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: vegeetaaaa (19:52) ericisbored: :D (19:52) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: GOD DAMNIT NAPPAA (19:53) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: ik (19:53) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: wut pic (19:53) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: to draw (19:53) Princess Ayαme: SAY WHA SAY WHA (19:53) Princess Ayαme: BOBOBO (19:53) ericisbored: o: (19:53) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: OMG (19:53) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: BOBOBO< (19:53) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: <33 (19:53) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: I LOVE YOU (19:53) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: AYA (19:53) Princess Ayαme: i watched it when i was a kid (19:53) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: ME 3 (19:53) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: ME2 (19:53) Princess Ayαme: ily2 (19:53) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: i didnt know (19:53) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: they made (19:53) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: a manga (19:53) Princess Ayαme: i have a manga (19:53) Princess Ayαme: its (19:53) Princess Ayαme: so bloody (19:53) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: like a tampon (19:54) Princess Ayαme: <3 (19:54) Princess Ayαme: ikr (19:54) ericisbored: ._. (19:54) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: well guise (19:54) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: gtg (19:54) Princess Ayαme: Squadala~ (19:54) ericisbored: O: (19:54) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: bai bai :3 (19:54) Princess Ayαme: we're off (19:54) ericisbored: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOK (19:54) Princess Ayαme: Daw (19:54) ericisbored: BYWEEEEEEEEEEE (19:54) ericisbored: ;w; (19:54) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: cya next time :D (19:54) Princess Ayαme: Booty (19:54) ericisbored: >:3 (19:54) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: -POOFS IN FLOOR- (19:54) Princess Ayαme: NOOOO Maryo has the best stories

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Its painful to be a deco lolita T^T

HEY YOU! ITS BREAST CANCER AWARENESSS DAY! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? I know its late but BUST OUT YOUR DAMN PINK! Working on a new banner and gadgets so sit tight, also came up with a new outfit and tried to control my muderous curler(oh god its that scary) And this came out Please ignore the bad quality i tried my best
Tee-hee I'm Retarded~
OH YAY ITS MIDORI!, Shes my character from the comic i've been writing for ages, Expect some pages sometime. Isnt she adorable? Ok i think this is enough you guys can take before you get too bored of my childish cosplay obsession But first...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

I suppose I should post some art now

I met a new Lolita Friend today AND SHES SO ADORABLE~
And she has a blog with drawings too * v * SO MUCH IN COMMON~!<3 We agreed to draw eachother and i did traditional even without scanner X3
Ah i should post some more for now hmmm
Computer is still pretty empty Oh I know I'll Make a new banner and such, So Mantinence i guess, OH BTW Have you been to the New pink/blue goth park? ITS SO AMAZING <3 But offers hate me and ive been waiting for hours to get a reply for my complaint ater I did everything correctly BELIEVE ME I DID ;o; Gotta go for now and do stuff like watch TNMBC for the hundreth time <3
Btw wearing a momo-con shirt FTW Oh Somewhere Deep Inside Of these bones An Emptiness Began to grow, I know theres something Far from my home, A Lo-nging that I've Never known

Monday, September 19, 2011


Okay, I got my comuter to work cept the fact the screen on the top is smahed so i had to hook it up to a big bulky monitor thats an eye-sore in my room, but everything else is working and i got some cool new items from halloween sales (woo! Pink feather lashes!) And i tried to put something to gether showcasing my make-up skills, It... Was... FUSTRATING When i tried to put it all together (i'm not saying i'm a amatuer I'm actually very experienced) So here it is: And i'll share the steps and fustration:
First thing: I took a shower to clean off any access dirt and oils, I dabbed lotion on my face to prevent irratation and then started with a blotted foundation all over to fade my freckles and blemishes ( i got bit by a spider on my chin ;o;)I used my large pad to gently rub pressed powder to hide the foundation edges, I used a thick blush (i ran out of my favorite thick pink and had to go with a less useful brand) and used a large face brush to menuver circles on the cheek bones, i then used thick easy going eyeliner ( not recomended for light eye brows like mine unless you have an eyebrow pencil) and went as hardlined (light depending) and thin on the bottom as i could around the lash and filled the waterline(Heres the most annoying part) I took my thick upper lashes one at a time and used lash adhesive (recomended) and pressed down for thirty seconds (depending on how watery the glue is) as close to above the lash as posible, same for the bottom (Make sure they are even and on the right side!) i didn't repeat for the second eye because of the eyepatch, The eye patch was fustrating because i had to be careful not to ruin the lashes, then i did the lis which were easy i simply used a base smooth lipstick evenly on my lips and used my own concoction ( Easy to make: Food coloring and really waxy shimmery gloss) and smoothed it in and evened the sides of the lips, The wig Was Irratating; I'm not suprised because i picked it up for cheap, it barely fit and i had to hide hair it the back and smooth it out in the front ( The bangs made it hard to see!) I used a simple hat with a pin and feather net and alied waxy blood look alike on my bottom lip, ~Halloween is coming up so this should help you~
By loveablechaos @ Deviantart Wahahaha~ Still its a month away *sniff*

Sunday, September 11, 2011


my computer got completely destroyed fffffffff... il have to earn a new one and wait for my mom's charger to come in but for now i can rarely and i mean RARELY come on pico ITS KILLING ME! Anyway its 9/11 and love to all innocent souls who were affected , my grandpa was injured saving a young mother and her two children :'>

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Room Entry!

Who says it has to be outside?Why can't i have a dream castle bedroom? You know its Fabulous ;D
Pico ID: Princess Ayαme
:Hope i win From creativity!
Updates: I'm trying to get a job with babysitting in my rich neighbor hood my friend got 50 bucks for staying till midnight XD and I'm over qualified (conceited)
School is very tiring but I'm joining anime club and that jazz, Now me and my bf have been dating for almost a entire year! YAY~! I hope he stops being lazy and gets ag some time soon . . .
Oh well
I fooled hackers today, it twas hilarious they wer the ones asking to trade accounts and one of them is the one that hacked one of my friends way back >:U
so i offered them a trade and gave em info to a crappy old noob account! and we spammed their board! it was beautiful~
Anyway I need to earn money so i can get the castle items for my palace room :D
I have a dungeon in there >:D I lock momo in there for money Tee-hee Human inprisonment~
Anyway i was sitting on the park balcony today ad there was (IM SERIOUS) a longish like of guys calling me juliet and all that jazz, Tee-hee, I got invited to a really cool group and I'm really glad I'm good enough to be near such famous picos (Bashful Bunny) Any way Check out the Castle PARK!! NAOOOO Or u will go in the dungeon >:U

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


My bff and i are planning on going to a zombie mob on halloween! she hosting it at her house.Basically we are going to dress like zombies and swarm the area scaring people >:D, I couldnt wait so i tried praticing my gorey make up i had for past photo shoots (thanks for the freebies!) I made clawed scars on my throat and festering skin on the top part of my face, thanks to skin wax , spirit gum (Its fustrating to use), and a red body crayon! I cant wait for halloween~! even though its two months away. . . ANYWAY Heres me as a classy zombie!
Shexi right? Uh no DURRRRR.... Oh and i'm planing to make a brain cake ;D

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Sorry that its all pixely love~ ROCKET IS THE COSMIC SANDWICH

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Chloe Loves You~

You know she does, made in half of an hour

Monday, August 22, 2011


Stupid virus screwed up my computer! I had to make a new computer account and couldnt risked carrying the virus SO I HAD TO DELETE ALL MY DRAWINGS AND MUSIC ;o; i can find the music again But the drawings i never released are gone forever ;o;, If im doing a request for you its gonna take alot longer but il keep going! Wish me LUCK~!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Well boys and girls?

Have you Been Naughty or nice?
Requests still open, Hurry before school starts or i'll be busy ;o;

Monday, August 15, 2011


Two posts in one night WTF AYAME? i know i know but this seemed like such a good idea~!il make more :o