My Followers and friends~!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

I cant believe... Sorry im just so mad

this girl.. Oh gosh you can belive my anger caused by this one girl She copied me and my friend momo first off she was a gold digger following momo everywhere and she thought she was rich because she did offers and got one ag dress and got banned because get this SHE WAS 7 AND PUBLICLY PUT IT ON HER PROFILE, shes been begging to join the sweet lolita club but she didnt have any lolita and didnt evern know what it was and meant, AGAIN I CANT STRESS THIS ENOUGH YOU CANT JOIN IF YOU DONT EVEN TRY OR DONT HAVE ANY MATERIAL TO HELP YOUR CAUSE, I'd gladly accept if the outfit was token and you had a whole passion for lolita and had no ag BUT NOOBS WHO HAVE NOTHING AND HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE GETTING INTO JUST TO BE IN A POPULAR CLAN AND DONT EVEN ASK AT FIRST JUST ANGER ME, Now that she got a little more ag and bought two things shes acting all high and mighty, Thats sinful pride there Dear, and when momo defriended her the first time she kept spamming her until she gave in now momo changed her name and defriended her again but kept a way to find out what shes doing, Oh i almost forgot, the one thing she did, that drew me absolutely furious, SHE MADE A BLOG ALOT LIKE A SAD COPY OF MINE AND IT GOT REMOVED BY OTHERS, this is so freaking annoying, these are the saddest kinds of noobs some may be worst i know that, but these are too comon and make you absolutely sick her name on pico PSSSH REMIND YOU OF ANYONE? Princess вєℓℓα i have to go to a Tea party now Thanks for reading this rant im sure everyone knew someone(s) like this

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