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Monday, August 15, 2011

DANCE WITH ME CONTEST! (read important)

I see too many things in pico that keep it from being a great safe haven: imature shex rooms, underage noobs, People who think they are better if they have one or few ag items, Trolls, Hackers, and people that are just plain rude and spam for no reason. I want to make this contest to share happiness and friendship ag or not and a special prize to the winner ^_^ This is whats going to happen, Im going all around pico world asking people to dance with me , that means rooms/events, Parks, and all other areas. I want to see pico spirit! and the person with the most friendly smile and attitude will win! Either way win or lose it will be fun, The Winner Will be posted on the blog with a special interview and i will drDraw their pico any way they want with two four paneled comics and a icon for any thing like fb, deviant art, twitter, skype, ANYTHING! I'm Very serious about this contest Please! Dance to Show Happiness in the Pico World! this contest starts now and will end probually at the end of the month Atleast until i find the greatest pico dancer! So what are you waiting for?!

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