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Thursday, April 28, 2011

errors so sorry/ updates

so another computer problem happened.. i know i know im sorry, but because of this the party will be post poned until i get my laptop up to boot, I'm really sorry to let everyone down but i'll pop up on pico couple times on my boyfriends laptop :3
any way heres some updates:
1. i desire alot to make a cute toy review(for cell phone or room decor) pretty soon with photos, mabye a sneak of ayame?
btw i look the same exept with fair red hair and freckles galore (~'^'~) very shy
2.Have you seen the french palor?! i want the mistress hair its like mine with out the bonnet!~~ <3 luvly also check out the bunny park friggin adorable 3. if you want to do a nickname mostly in anime terms just call me : A. Destiny's term "Iris" cause ayame is japanese for Iris b.Hime: japanese term for cute princess C. Yam..dont know why you would call me that.. D. Aya: in relation to anime character princess aya F. Yaya,Yame, Princess, Your highness, Lady ----. Ok for other news~ Question to everyone what is the weirdest thing you Lurv to eat? I enjoy cold hotdogs when im lazy and want a quick snack idk y people throw up at them aka the four hotdogs guy btw ARGGGGHHHAA lol, i find them just ..ya know tasty in other other news news~ in real life YUS~~ i have one~! >w<
for my birthday im having a lolita alice and wonder land te party with all my friends in costume~!! -squeaaal~!-

now to be a little more serious... my friends have been really upset lately because of a certain "daramathatnooneneeds" blog for pico WHY PICO? ITS MY HAPPEH PLACE! T^T and a good amount of post went spear foward twardsone of my best friends and his saint of a girlfriend now im afraid if i say the creator she'll post about me too and i never expected this "person" to do something this cruel and vauge against other pico celebs when they have no idea what they are going through and how pico makes them feel secure and gret for once and have it all ruined by being bullied on their safe haven, sigh...
her name..i know her from some times shes nice but this is too far Her name is Izzy on pico its lettered different but... Izzy if you red this you went TOO far for just a few page views :<

ok away from drama, i need to get a new laptop charger wish me luck

Your Ayame Hime~

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