My Followers and friends~!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Scrumptious chat

19:36) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: GOES TO SLUTT (19:36) The Food Giver: LOL (19:36) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: THEY HAVE A CHILD (19:36) ericisbored: o3o" (19:36) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: LITTLE BOY REALIZE (19:36) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: SHES A MERMAID (19:36) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: THEN THEY COOK HER AND ZEE CHILD (19:37) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: THE END (19:37) Princess Ayαme: Beastility tw (19:37) Princess Ayαme: Okay (19:37) Princess Ayαme: Um... (19:37) Princess Ayαme: Pokemon (19:37) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: DEMO (19:37) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: :DD (19:37) ericisbored: LOL (19:37) dєmí-™: GO MAYROO :D (19:37) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: oh this is gonna be fun (19:37) The Food Giver: THE BISHOP IS HUNGRY (19:37) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: then eat ur di'ck (19:37) ericisbored: .-. (19:37) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: OH YEA (19:37) The Food Giver: -,- (19:37) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: OK SOO (19:37) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: IT ALL STARTED (19:38) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: WEN ERIC (19:38) The Food Giver: LOL (19:38) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: MADE BABIES (19:38) Princess Ayαme: XD (19:38) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: AND BECAME (19:38) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: LEGENDARY (19:38) The Food Giver: <. (19:38) ericisbored: Sing the theme song? *w* (19:38) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: AND THTS HOW SNORELAX (19:38) Princess Ayαme: :o (19:38) Princess Ayαme: Thankies~ (19:38) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: RULED EVERYONE (19:38) Princess Ayαme: ^o^ (19:38) dєmí-™: Lol your welcome c: (19:38) Princess Ayαme: SING THWE POKEMON THEME SONG (19:38) ericisbored: YEAH ! ♥ (19:39) ericisbored: >:o (19:39) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: OH K (19:39) ericisbored: I LUB THAT SONG ~ (19:39) Princess Ayαme: Lub it (19:39) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: -SINGS THE THEME IN THE 1ST MOVIE (19:39) ericisbored: >:3 (19:39) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: wait brb] (19:39) Princess Ayαme: NO STUPID (19:39) ericisbored: *searches on Google* (19:39) Princess Ayαme: I WANNA BE (19:39) ericisbored: LOL (19:39) Princess Ayαme: TH VERY BEST (19:39) Princess Ayαme: THAT NO ONE EVAH WAAAAAS (19:39) Princess Ayαme: TO TRAIN THEM IS MY TEST (19:39) ericisbored: You should sing it, LOL. (19:40) Princess Ayαme: TO CATCH THEM IS MY CAUSE (19:40) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: -SINGS WITH BILLY CRAWFORD- (19:40) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: -VOICE- (19:40) ericisbored: LOL (19:40) Princess Ayαme: XD (19:40) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: I WILL TRAVEL ACROSS LANDD (19:40) Princess Ayαme: SEARCHIN (19:40) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: SERCHIN (19:40) Princess Ayαme: FAR AND WIIID3E (19:40) ericisbored: LOL (19:40) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: FAR AND WIDDDAAYYYYEEE (19:40) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: OHH OHHH\ (19:40) ericisbored: LOL (19:40) Princess Ayαme: FOR POKEMON (19:40) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: THESE POKEMON DONT UNDERSTANDD (19:40) Princess Ayαme: TO UNDERSTAND (19:40) Princess Ayαme: THE POWER (19:40) ericisbored: POKEMON ! (19:40) Princess Ayαme: THATS (19:41) ericisbored: >:D (19:41) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: THE POWER THTS INSIDEEEE (19:41) Princess Ayαme: INSIDE (19:41) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: POWER INSIDEE (19:41) Princess Ayαme: POOOKEEEEEHMUUUN (19:41) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: POKEMONN (19:41) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: ITS YOU AND MEEE (19:41) Princess Ayαme: GOTTAH CATCH EM ALLLL (19:41) ericisbored: ._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._. (19:41) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: I KNOW ITS OUR DESITINYY (19:41) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: OHHH UR MY BEST FRIENDD (19:41) ericisbored: <.< (19:41) Princess Ayαme: POKEEEEHMON (19:41) ericisbored: ♥ (19:41) ericisbored: LOLOL (19:41) The Food Giver: lol (19:41) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: IN A WORLDD WE MUST DEFEENNNNEDDD (19:41) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: POKEMONN (19:41) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: ITS YOU AND MEE (19:41) ericisbored: XD (19:41) Princess Ayαme: GOTTA CATCH EM ALL (19:42) The Food Giver: lol (19:42) ericisbored: THE VERY BEST. (19:42) ericisbored: <.< (19:42) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: -TURNS INTO ILLL MAAKE A MAN OUT OF YOU (19:42) ericisbored: LOL (19:42) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: LETS GET DOWN TO BUIESNNESSS (19:42) Princess Ayαme: AS MYSTERIOUS (19:42) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: TO DEFEAT (19:42) Princess Ayαme: AS THE DARK SIDE (19:42) ericisbored: ._. (19:42) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: THE HUNNS (19:42) Princess Ayαme: OF THE MOOOOOOOOOOOOON (19:42) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: BUT IDK IF IM READYYY (19:42) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: SHUT UPP YOU NERDDD (19:42) Princess Ayαme: SHUT UP (19:42) Princess Ayαme: YOU NEEEERD~ (19:42) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: YOUR THE SADIEST OUNK (19:42) ericisbored: ITS JESSIE, JAMES (19:42) Princess Ayαme: img (19:42) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: *PUNK (19:43) ericisbored: TEAM ROCKET !1 (19:43) The Food Giver: lol (19:43) Princess Ayαme: OMG (19:43) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: I EVER MET (19:43) ericisbored: <3 (19:43) Princess Ayαme: TFSABRIGDE (19:43) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: YES (19:43) ericisbored: <.< (19:43) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: <33333333333 (19:43) ♥angel яαωя♥: hi (19:43) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: GOHAN ILL (19:43) Princess Ayαme: <3 (19:43) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: MAKE A MAN (19:43) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: OUT OF YOU (19:43) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: but im only 4 (19:43) Princess Ayαme: MARYO I LURVE YOU (19:43) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: ARGHHH (19:43) ericisbored: LOL (19:43) Princess Ayαme: DOOOOODGE (19:43) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: U BLEW UP THE MOON MR PICCOLO (19:43) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: IK (19:43) Princess Ayαme: >:U (19:43) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: TIME IS RACING FORWARDD (19:43) The Food Giver: lol (19:43) ♥angel яαωя♥: ♥ (19:43) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: UNTIL WE (19:43) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: ARRIVEE (19:43) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: SHUT THE HELL UP NAPPA (19:43) Princess Ayαme: ST FU NAPPA (19:43) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: AND YOU MIGHT (19:44) ericisbored: LOL (19:44) Princess Ayαme: AND U MIGHT (19:44) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: SURVIVVEEE (19:44) ☆TehAsianSwag☆: What Ish This (19:44) Princess Ayαme: SURRVIIIIVE (19:44) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: VEGETAA ARE WE THERE YET (19:44) Princess Ayαme: NO (19:44) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: NO NAPPA NO WERE NOT (19:44) Princess Ayαme: NAPPA WER NOOOT (19:44) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: HOW BOUT NAO (19:44) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: NO GODD (19:44) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: DAMNITTTTTTTTTTTTTT (19:44) Princess Ayαme: Maryo (19:44) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: <333 (19:44) Princess Ayαme: Listen (19:44) ericisbored: >:} (19:44) Princess Ayαme: heres the pcking order (19:44) Princess Ayαme: first theres (19:44) Princess Ayαme: you (19:45) Princess Ayαme: the dirt (19:45) The Food Giver: lol (19:45) Princess Ayαme: the worms in the dirt (19:45) ericisbored: .-. (19:45) Princess Ayαme: popo's stool (19:45) The Food Giver: lol (19:45) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: XDDDDDDDDDDDD (19:45) Princess Ayαme: kame (19:45) Princess Ayαme: and popo (19:45) Princess Ayαme: Any questions? (19:45) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: XDDDDDDD (19:45) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: IMA CALL YOU (19:45) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: LITTL GREEEN (19:45) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: OK LITTLE GREEN (19:46) Princess Ayαme: But my name is dende (19:46) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: XDDDDD (19:46) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: remmeber (19:46) Princess Ayαme: They're from earth (19:46) Princess Ayαme: LITTLE GREEN WHY? (19:46) Princess Ayαme: Because my name is dende (19:46) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: hey little greeen telll the grand elder we need the dragon balls (19:46) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: IS THT A WHITE NEAMKELIAN? (19:46) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: *ALBINO (19:46) Princess Ayαme: I need an adult (19:47) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: I THOUGHT THEY WERE INSTINCT (19:47) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: xDD (19:47) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: GARUDDD (19:47) Princess Ayαme: well if it isnt moe howard? (19:47) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: GUARDD (19:47) Princess Ayαme: how did you? (19:47) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: WHAT (19:47) Princess Ayαme: space hulu (19:47) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: i saw a birdd (19:47) Princess Ayαme: Figures (19:47) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: it was pretttyy (19:47) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: xD (19:47) Princess Ayαme: Kick its as s (19:47) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: XDDDDDDDDD (19:47) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: ive seen (19:47) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: them play (19:47) Princess Ayαme: The guards name is nel (19:47) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: l4d (19:48) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: :3 (19:48) Princess Ayαme: dbz <3 (19:48) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: i love how they play (19:48) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: halo and l4d (19:48) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: brb (19:48) Princess Ayαme: i killed 1927 zombies on that (19:48) ericisbored: 0m9 .-. (19:48) ericisbored: l33t. (19:48) ericisbored: >:} (19:48) ericisbored: o: (19:50) Princess Ayαme: So what you doing here? (19:50) Princess Ayαme: Flying around (19:50) Princess Ayαme: Flying around? (19:50) ericisbored: o: (19:50) Princess Ayαme: Flying around (19:50) Princess Ayαme: thwarting my plans? (19:51) Princess Ayαme: thwarting your plans? (19:51) ericisbored: ._. (19:51) Princess Ayαme: Are you? (19:51) Princess Ayαme: No (19:51) Princess Ayαme: good cause that would be bad (19:51) ericisbored: 150 favourites :o. (19:51) Princess Ayαme: how bad? (19:51) Princess Ayαme: I'd have to kill you (19:51) Princess Ayαme: oh (19:51) Princess Ayαme: thats bad (19:52) ☆TehAsianSwag☆: DUDE (19:52) Princess Ayαme: :o (19:52) ericisbored: 3: (19:52) ☆TehAsianSwag☆: JUst Noticed Your Here LOl (19:52) Princess Ayαme: ;o; (19:52) ☆TehAsianSwag☆: > (19:52) ericisbored: LOL hi ? (19:52) ericisbored: o: (19:52) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: vegetaaa (19:52) ericisbored: JULIET ! (19:52) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: vegeetaaaa (19:52) ericisbored: :D (19:52) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: GOD DAMNIT NAPPAA (19:53) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: ik (19:53) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: wut pic (19:53) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: to draw (19:53) Princess Ayαme: SAY WHA SAY WHA (19:53) Princess Ayαme: BOBOBO (19:53) ericisbored: o: (19:53) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: OMG (19:53) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: BOBOBO< (19:53) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: <33 (19:53) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: I LOVE YOU (19:53) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: AYA (19:53) Princess Ayαme: i watched it when i was a kid (19:53) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: ME 3 (19:53) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: ME2 (19:53) Princess Ayαme: ily2 (19:53) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: i didnt know (19:53) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: they made (19:53) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: a manga (19:53) Princess Ayαme: i have a manga (19:53) Princess Ayαme: its (19:53) Princess Ayαme: so bloody (19:53) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: like a tampon (19:54) Princess Ayαme: <3 (19:54) Princess Ayαme: ikr (19:54) ericisbored: ._. (19:54) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: well guise (19:54) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: gtg (19:54) Princess Ayαme: Squadala~ (19:54) ericisbored: O: (19:54) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: bai bai :3 (19:54) Princess Ayαme: we're off (19:54) ericisbored: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOK (19:54) Princess Ayαme: Daw (19:54) ericisbored: BYWEEEEEEEEEEE (19:54) ericisbored: ;w; (19:54) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: cya next time :D (19:54) Princess Ayαme: Booty (19:54) ericisbored: >:3 (19:54) ✰SSMario☆★ ✮✰彡: -POOFS IN FLOOR- (19:54) Princess Ayαme: NOOOO Maryo has the best stories

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Its painful to be a deco lolita T^T

HEY YOU! ITS BREAST CANCER AWARENESSS DAY! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? I know its late but BUST OUT YOUR DAMN PINK! Working on a new banner and gadgets so sit tight, also came up with a new outfit and tried to control my muderous curler(oh god its that scary) And this came out Please ignore the bad quality i tried my best
Tee-hee I'm Retarded~
OH YAY ITS MIDORI!, Shes my character from the comic i've been writing for ages, Expect some pages sometime. Isnt she adorable? Ok i think this is enough you guys can take before you get too bored of my childish cosplay obsession But first...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

I suppose I should post some art now

I met a new Lolita Friend today AND SHES SO ADORABLE~
And she has a blog with drawings too * v * SO MUCH IN COMMON~!<3 We agreed to draw eachother and i did traditional even without scanner X3
Ah i should post some more for now hmmm
Computer is still pretty empty Oh I know I'll Make a new banner and such, So Mantinence i guess, OH BTW Have you been to the New pink/blue goth park? ITS SO AMAZING <3 But offers hate me and ive been waiting for hours to get a reply for my complaint ater I did everything correctly BELIEVE ME I DID ;o; Gotta go for now and do stuff like watch TNMBC for the hundreth time <3
Btw wearing a momo-con shirt FTW Oh Somewhere Deep Inside Of these bones An Emptiness Began to grow, I know theres something Far from my home, A Lo-nging that I've Never known

Monday, September 19, 2011


Okay, I got my comuter to work cept the fact the screen on the top is smahed so i had to hook it up to a big bulky monitor thats an eye-sore in my room, but everything else is working and i got some cool new items from halloween sales (woo! Pink feather lashes!) And i tried to put something to gether showcasing my make-up skills, It... Was... FUSTRATING When i tried to put it all together (i'm not saying i'm a amatuer I'm actually very experienced) So here it is: And i'll share the steps and fustration:
First thing: I took a shower to clean off any access dirt and oils, I dabbed lotion on my face to prevent irratation and then started with a blotted foundation all over to fade my freckles and blemishes ( i got bit by a spider on my chin ;o;)I used my large pad to gently rub pressed powder to hide the foundation edges, I used a thick blush (i ran out of my favorite thick pink and had to go with a less useful brand) and used a large face brush to menuver circles on the cheek bones, i then used thick easy going eyeliner ( not recomended for light eye brows like mine unless you have an eyebrow pencil) and went as hardlined (light depending) and thin on the bottom as i could around the lash and filled the waterline(Heres the most annoying part) I took my thick upper lashes one at a time and used lash adhesive (recomended) and pressed down for thirty seconds (depending on how watery the glue is) as close to above the lash as posible, same for the bottom (Make sure they are even and on the right side!) i didn't repeat for the second eye because of the eyepatch, The eye patch was fustrating because i had to be careful not to ruin the lashes, then i did the lis which were easy i simply used a base smooth lipstick evenly on my lips and used my own concoction ( Easy to make: Food coloring and really waxy shimmery gloss) and smoothed it in and evened the sides of the lips, The wig Was Irratating; I'm not suprised because i picked it up for cheap, it barely fit and i had to hide hair it the back and smooth it out in the front ( The bangs made it hard to see!) I used a simple hat with a pin and feather net and alied waxy blood look alike on my bottom lip, ~Halloween is coming up so this should help you~
By loveablechaos @ Deviantart Wahahaha~ Still its a month away *sniff*

Sunday, September 11, 2011


my computer got completely destroyed fffffffff... il have to earn a new one and wait for my mom's charger to come in but for now i can rarely and i mean RARELY come on pico ITS KILLING ME! Anyway its 9/11 and love to all innocent souls who were affected , my grandpa was injured saving a young mother and her two children :'>